Telesforo: Ammunition, atomic, damaged, death, destroy, destruct, destruction, empire, fire, grunge, mechanical, noisy, plastic, punk, random, rays, rough brushdrawn, cool, creative, decorative, edgy, experimental, extreme, fashionable, game, grunge, heavy, informal, ink, jagged, lettering, childwriting, cutpaper, decorative, funny, grunge, informal, ink, japanese, letterpress, music, stamp, logo, magazine, masculine, monster, organic, poster, punk, rough, rustic, scrapbook, sketch, slabserif, smallcaps, stamp, tough, trash, decayed, decorative, destruct, edgy, funny, grunge, headline, heavy, ink, label, letterpress, masculine, mess, monster, noisy, poster, punk, rough, rustic, scrapbook, serif, slabserif, stamp, wide, wildwest, woodtypes.
Tag Archives: informal
Bochalema innovative typography by Andinistas
Bochalema is a innovative typography by Andinistas, Bochaleman is a typographic family designed by Carlos Fabian Camargo. Its idea in fonts with craftsman style, worn edges and highly spontaneous look.
Calligraphy, correspondence, cursive, dandy, diary, fancy, french, hand, handwriting, informal, ink, pen, rough, script, vintage.
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Design logo:
Font: Modelia (Available for purchase at Myfonts.)
Keywords: block, brushdrawn, calligraphy, capsule, comic, commercial, correspondence, curly, cursive, dandy, decorative, diary, disconnected, elegant, experimental, fancy, french, funny, hand, handletter, handwriting, heavy, informal, ink, irregular, pen, rough, sassy, script, soft, vintage